The Community for Arsenal Fans in Southeastern Pennsylvania
Ooo to, Ooo to be, Ooo to be a, Gooner! We want everyone to know how good it is to be a supporter of the greatest football (hehe, ok, soccer) club on the planet, The Arsenal. So Arsenal Philadelphia, through all its four chapters, was formed to bring fans of the club together in our beloved Philadelphia, and in the surrounding areas as well.

Arsenal Philadelphia founded in 2002.
The club for all the Gooners living within the City of Philadelphia itself.

Reading Gooners founded in XXXX.
This is where those who wear the red and white come together in Reading.

Red Rose Gooners founded in XXXX.
Bringing together those who love the Arsenal in Lancaster.

Brandywine Gooners founded in 2024.
For all you Arsenal fans in the West Chester area.
Not a member yet?
Not only does every member get our annual assortment of locally themed Arsenal swag, invitations to special events, but members also get weekly discount at our match watching locations, and a whole lot more.
Arsenal Philadelphia is 503c charitable organization.
All of the Arsenal Philadelphia clubs are communities that give back to the community. Throughout the year, we hold fundraising events to support causes and activities that help make Philadelphia, and the world, a better place.

Watch this space.
Something special this way comes. Can’t say what, can’t say when, but if it’s about the Arsenal, you know it will be good.