Arsenal Philadelphia
2ND Annual Philly Phry-Up
Come enjoy a transatlantic breakfast buffet mash-up as we watch Arsenal v Brighton at Misconduct Tavern. Arsenal Philadelphia members eat free! Guests are $12 each! RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – SPACE IS LIMITED!
Brandywine Gooners
Free Breakfast Sandwiches @ Artillery Brewing
During the Arsenal v Brighton match, Artillery Brewing will have breakfast sandwiches, coffee, and breakfast cocktails, and the sandwiches are FREE for dues-paying members. Non-member guests and visitors can still RSVP, but they will be charged for their sandwiches. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED!
Not a member yet?
Not only does every member get our annual assortment of locally themed Arsenal swag, invitations to special events like those above, but members also get weekly discount at our match watching locations, and a whole lot more.